OTG - Open Technology Group
OTG stands for Open Technology Group
Here you will find, what does OTG stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Open Technology Group? Open Technology Group can be abbreviated as OTG What does OTG stand for? OTG stands for Open Technology Group. What does Open Technology Group mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Silver Spring, Maryland.
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Alternative definitions of OTG
- Worthington, Minnesota USA
- Over The Glasses ski goggles
- On The Go
- Over The Glasses
- Off The Ground
- Olive Tree Genealogy
- Operational Task Group
- Over The Gun
View 39 other definitions of OTG on the main acronym page
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- ONG Oregon National Guard
- OCCU Omni Community Credit Union
- OWSL Opal Wave Solutions Ltd
- OMG Online Marketing Gurus
- OCU Oregonians Credit Union
- OOB Old Orchard Brands
- OHWW One Heart World-Wide
- OMVIC Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council
- OBGB One of the Biggest Group in Bahrain
- ORC Oscar Renda Contracting
- OCN On Call Nanny
- ORSI Optional Rehabilitation Services Inc.
- ONA Order Nordic Ab
- OBMG Oak Bay Marine Group